Thursday, September 3, 2009

Anotha chance in my life (jeea)

1 Sep 2009

so far, all d things have arranged perfectly, even though yesterday felt like didn't fit too michiss :(
on this day, i went to YPI (YayasanPelita Ilmu) its a kind of place just named it a kind of 'shelter' maybe for those who have a problem with drugs an HIV/AIDS.
Those who accompanied me was Karen,Dvd,and Bu Ike. We joined a meeting which held here(tebet) and we also met others pals from smukie and smak 4.

Things which we discussed was abawt how to prevents the HIV/AIDS , the examples of the cases in Indonesia, our reproduction systems, drugs, and one thing that made mostly of us felt excite was we got a chanche to shared and communicated eye an eye with some ODHA (Orang Dengan HIV/AIDS) who stays or lives permanently there.
they told us abawt how did they get the HIV viruses on their body and how the others treated them differently because they had known these people have the HIV viruses. ( i made some daydreams while hearing the materials given here hahharss)

But I learnt so much from them, although the problems came over trough their lives, they can moved on frome all and now they are go on with their life happily with their children and shares wid those who has the same problemos and makes spirits together

at 14.30, we went back school then joined the choir then went to sekbill with eli ate the Zuppa soup and anddd went to church to katek
hoaaaammmmm what an exhausted day


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